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GoPro Accessories

Durable GoPro accessories to help provide better quality recordings for any moment

GoPro's accessory range is hugely diverse, helping to assist your recordings in any situation you are in, from motorcycle racing to surfboarding. Making sure your GoPro action camera is safe and mounted down in every shot.  
Showing 1 - 20 of 43

Dual charger that lets you charge two GoPro batteries simultaneously plus two Enduro batteries


High-performance battery that is used as a replacement or spare for the Hero12 black or Hero11 black


High-performance batteries thats used as a replacement or spare for the Hero12 black / Hero11 black


Dual battery charger to simultaneously charge batteries with an included enduro battery


Rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can withstand cold-weather and has increased recording time


Accessory kit for the GoPro, including different mounts and a customizable compact case


Powerful LED light that attaches to to HERO cameras or can be used as a standalone light


Lens Mod that improves stabilization and FOV with Max HyperSmooth and an ultra-wide lens


Lens Mod that provides unbreakable stabilization and a wider FOV for the Hero12 Black


GoPro cage with built-in directional mic, 3.5mm mic port, HDMI-out and two cold-shoe mounts


Chest mount and handlebar mount packed in a convenient compact casr


Versatile mini extension pole mount and magnet swivel clip packed into a convenient compact bag


Multi-use mount with a tripod, camera grip and extension pole for the GoPro action camera


Versatile mount made to be placed into the mouth to take POV recordings with the GoPro


Durable and lightweight boom mount made from carbon fibre to deliver strength and stability


Lightweight chest mount that makes it easy to capture immersive hands-free shots


Industrial-strength waterproof adhesive mounts that attach to flat and curved surfaces


Durable and waterproof hand held mount designed toget closer to the action


Grab bag of mounts and spare parts to expand your options or use as replacement parts


Attaches your GoPro to a variety of irregularly-shaped objects with ease and more flexibility


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