Introducing... new Tucano Urbano airbag for city riders featured image

Introducing... new Tucano Urbano airbag for city riders

28 Apr 2021
Updated: 6 Mar 2022 Italy's renowned biking fashionistas are the latest company to take to the air

Tucano Urbano has joined the airbag revolution with a high-tech version aimed mostly at city riders.

The Italian company has applied some different thinking to the concept and come up with a novel approach to using the same In&Motion technology found in several brands’ kit.

The Tucano Urbano Airscud vest and Airscud jacket both have the In&Motion airbag inside - and the vest can be worn under or over regular bike clothing.

The jacket gives perhaps the most flexibility as it's a standalone protective garment in its own right. That's because the jacket is effectively an Airscud vest with armoured, abrasion-resistant sleeves zipped to it.

With its sleeves zipped on the Airscud jacket has a CE protection rating of Class A, which is in common with many traditional textile bike jackets.

The vest and sleeves, which can be bought separately if you prefer, are both water-resistant to protect the electronics from damage.

One of the big appeals for the city riders usually attracted to Tucano Urbano is the option to wear normal clothing over the top of an Airscud jacket.

As that provides the protection, it won’t matter what’s worn over the top – although it will need to have enough expansion room around the torso for the airbag to inflate into. Tucano Urbano suggests that’s 10cm of room.